Monday, July 14, 2008

stage 10

cadel in yellow.
third stage win for saunier duval.
valverde cracks big time.
what a great stage. it all came down to whether cadel would end up in yellow or would frank schleck take it. 1 sec was the difference.

as far as the tipping comp goes, we had two stage winners last night and this propelled CreditLess OnTheDole up the overall standings to be within less than a minute away from Team BaumBaum.

the mountain points classification is heating up with two teams neck and neck but with still a long way to go till we finish the mountains.

rest day tonight, which means that i will get to bed early and catch up on some sleep. once we hit stage 11, the slate is clean and you can tip riders from the first week again.

as for my tips, as i have the kiss of death (chavanel, cunego) i won't tip cadel so that he has a better chance of winning.

1 comment:

Flying Fynn said...

So much can change overnight..

Valverde = Soft c*ck..
